Not sure if you're looking at a real or replica Cav Empt Printed Shirt Jacket? Read on for pro tips from our Authenticators.
First, this shirt uses a digital print method and distressed effects. The print is calculated, from the position to the depth of inking to prevent replicas from being able to copy 100%. In the circled parts you can see on the real jacket that the pictures are still visible to the eye, whereas the replica pictures are blurry and in a different place.
Label - the stitching around the label should be tight and dense. In this case, the replica has wider, looser stitches. The lines under 'C' and 'E' are disconnected in the middle, whereas the replica has just one straight line. Real versions of this jacket was actually Made in China, so 'Made in Japan' labels do not exist. Finally, the text on the real label is clear and solid, contrasting the thinner, lopsided text on the replica.
Washing label - the real washing label is stitched to the jacket above the "100% Cotton" text, while the replica's is awkwardly stitched through the text. The replica is also missing the button near the washing instructions. The number '30' is also printed too lightly on the replica label, compared to the bold '30' on the real version.
Overall, the font appears bolder on the replica washing label, and the position of the button is reversed.
We haven't shared all the details here to prevent replicas from catching up. If you have questions or something that needs authenticating, head over to LEGIT APP and connect with our team of experts available around the clock.