Jordan 1 Mid Chicago Toe | LEGIT APP Authentication

Real vs Replica

Jordan 1 Mid Chicago Toe

While it comes as no surprise that AJ high tops are frequently copied, mid tops have their fair share of high quality replicas too. Today's op-ed will compare, side by side, real and replica Jordan 1 Mid Chicago Toe (554724-069). 

First, take a look at the date stamp on the shoe box. The giveaway here is usually the color of the ink and font. Replicas often have a lighter, hollow stamp, the result of using a different type of ink. 

On the real shoe, there are three pronounced stripes of glue on the insole, whereas the replica has just one big layer of glue. 

Shoe support is often overlooked in replicas by manufacturers as well as authenticators. The real shoe has a double-lined circle around the recycled paper logo. For this particular batch, the replicas only have one subtle line circling it.

Upon further inspection, the number "8" on the shoe support shows a different font was used on the replica. The real shoe has a rounder "8" made up of two fuller circles.

To prevent replicas from catching up, we won't disclose all the details here. If you have questions or a pair that needs authenticating, head over to the LEGIT app where our professional sneaker veterans can get back to you.  


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