Real vs Replica
Nike Air Monarch IV White Navy
Today's side by side REAL VS REPLICA op-ed: Nike Air Monarch IV White Navy.
To distinguish the real shoe from a replica, first, inspect the barcode on the inside label. Nike uses a specific format for their barcode with this Air Monarch which is made up of only two types of black stripes (one thick and one thin). On the right, the replica shoe uses four different kinds of black stripes in the barcode.
The letters "F" and "A" in the word Fabrique are further apart from each other in the real shoe, whereas the replica has evenly spaced letters.
The letters "F" and "A" in the word Fabrique are further apart from each other in the real shoe, whereas the replica has evenly spaced letters.
To prevent replicas from catching up, we won't disclose all the details here. If you have questions or a pair that needs authenticating, head over to the LEGIT app where our professional sneaker veterans can get back to you.