鑒定 Issey Miyake | LEGIT APP Authentication 鑒定專家

Since designer Issey Miyake presented his first collection in 1971, ISSEY MIYAKE has been designing and making clothing that explores the relationship—the ease and ma (the unfilled space)—between the wearer’s body and the fabric of the wear, which is founded upon the brand’s unwavering approach to the concept of a piece of cloth, thereby developing clothing that is universal and unbound by the Western vs. Eastern conventions of clothing design. Today, the brand continues to engage in research that begins with developing yarn from which original fabrics are created.
Issey Miyake


使用 LEGIT APP 鑒定 Issey Miyake

鑒定 Issey Miyake 產品

不論您是想要轉售或購買二手 Issey Miyake 商品,我們都能在 LEGIT APP 上協助您進行鑒定和檢測仿品。

專為 Issey Miyake 而設的 LEGIT APP

LEGIT APP 是全球信賴的 Issey Miyake 產品鑒定解決方案。由優秀的專業鑒定團隊和尖端的 AI 技術提供鑒定支持。


我們鑒定的 Issey Miyake 產品

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鑒定 Issey Miyake 奢侈品箱包

鑒定 Issey Miyake Handbags

鑒定 Issey Miyake 奢侈品服裝

鑒定 Issey Miyake Clothing

鑒定 Issey Miyake 美妝產品

鑒定 Issey Miyake Perfume

鑒定 Issey Miyake Skincare




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